This digital collection of South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station economics pamphlets was created with the support of The Center for Research Libraries through the Project Ceres award program. Print copies of all pamphlets are preserved in the University Archives.


Pamphlets from 1991


Projected Production Costs for Eastern South Dakota Crops: 1980-1990, Richard C. Shane

Pamphlets from 1980


1979 Financial Analysis South Dakota Farm Panel Records Program, Herbert R. Allen


Economics Outlook for the 1980s in South Dakota : Highlights of Papers Presented at Eighteenth Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1979


Agricultural Trade and the South Dakota Transportation Situation : Highlights of Papers Presented at Seventeenth Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University


Costs Per Hour and Per Acre for Machine Operations, Herbert R. Allen


Ramifications of Land Values, Farm Prices and Transportation : Highlights of Papers Presented at the Sixteenth Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1976


Financial Analysis South Dakota Farm Panel Records Program 1974, Herbert R. Allen and David Jibben


Financial Analysis South Dakota Farm Panel Records Program 1975, Herbert R. Allen and David Jibben


Labor Requirements in Beef Cow Herds, Herbert R. Allen and David Jibben

Pamphlets from 1975


Thirteenth Agri-Business Day Highlights of Papers Presented, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1974


Financial Analysis South Dakota Farm Panel Records Program 1973, Herbert R. Allen


Meeting Today's Economic Crises : Highlights of Papers Presented at the Twelfth Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1973


Analysis of the Republic of Korea Food Grain Situation, William F. Payne and Kyo II Jo


An Economic Profile of Farms and Ranches in South Dakota, Herbert R. Allen


Economics in a World of Change : Highlights of Papers Presented at the Eleventh Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University


Financial Analysis South Dakota Farm Panel Records Program 1972, Herbert R. Allen

Pamphlets from 1972


Policies, Attitudes and Outlook for Economic Development in South Dakota : Highlights of Papers Presented at the Tenth Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1971


An Investigation into Possible Problems Arising from Repeal of the Personal Property Tax in South Dakota, Ardelle Lundeen and Allyn O. Lockner


Farm Managerial Characteristics Scales : A Supplement to Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 30, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University


Financial Analysis South Dakota Farm Panel Records Program 1971, Herbert R. Allen


Manual of Operating Procedures for a Computerized Farm Financial Information System, Herbert R. Allen and Kent Scofield


South Dakota's Economy in a Changing World : Highlights of Papers Presented at the Ninth Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1970


Economic Opportunities for South Dakota During the 1970's : Highlights of Papers Presented : Eighth Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University


Some Factors Affecting the Growth of Grain Elevators in South Dakota, Albert E. Raeder

Pamphlets from 1969


An Economic Analysis of Some Aspects of Medical Service Availability in Northwest South Dakota, Leland G. Bierman


Business Development in Rural Communities : Highlights of Papers Presented : Seventh Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University


Some Corporations that Own Farm and Ranch Land in South Dakota, Russell L. Berry

Pamphlets from 1968


Highlights of Papers Presented at the Sixth Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1967


Creating Competitive Communities: Pastor's Conference on Effective Community Planning Held at South Dakota State University, Brookings, January 23, 24, & 25, 1967, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1966


Planning the Communities in Which We'll Want to Live: Papers Presented at the Fifth Annual Agri-Business Day March 31, 1966, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1965


Grain Banks in South Dakota, Harlan J. Dirks


Managing Change in the Livestock Industry of South Dakota: Papers Presented at the Fourth Annual Agri-Business Day 1965, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1964


An Analysis of Economic Factors and Institutions Affecting the Productivity of South Dakota Land and Water Resources for Upland Game Birds and Migratory Waterfowl, Arthur J. Matson


An Appraisal of the Use of Soil Survey Information as the Basis for Valuing Land for Tax Purposes in Spink County, South Dakota, Donald Dean Patterson


Community and Commercial Benefits from Water Resource Development of the Oahe Area, Rex D. Helfinstine


Comparison of Alternative Beef Cattle Systems for Western South Dakota Ranches, Grant L. Cornelius


Increasing Income from South Dakota Resources: Papers Presented at the Third Annual Agri-Business Day, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University


International Trade in Cattle and Beef Products with Emphasis on the Effects of the European Economic Community on the South Dakota Economy, Harold F. Bjarnson


South Dakota Agriculture and Its Problems, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Pamphlets from 1963


Cost of Producing and Marketing Finished Beef in Relation to Consuming Areas, David A. Myers


Marketing and Other Factors Affecting the Cattle Feeding Enterprise in Eastern South Dakota, Gerald Marousek


Variability of Feed Grain and Forage Production in South Dakota, Edward Dailey

Pamphlets from 1962


Yearly Maximum Mean, Minimum Mean, and Yearly Mean Temperatures for 58 South Dakota Weather Stations Together with Daily Frequencies for Each Year. Maximum Temperatures of 90 Degrees or Higher and 32 Degrees or Lower. Also Daily Frequencies of Minimum Temperatures of 32 Degrees or Lower and 0 Degrees or Lower, Ray F. Pengra and W. F. Lyle

Pamphlets from 1961


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part A Corn, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part B Winter Wheat, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part C Durum Wheat, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part D Other Spring Wheat, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part E All Wheat, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part F Oats, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part G Barley, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part H Rye, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part I Flax, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part J Alfalfa Hay, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part K Wild Hay, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part L All Hay, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Crop Acreage, Yields and Production in South Dakota 1926 - 1960 (By Economic Areas and Counties) Part M All Tame Hay, Ray F. Pengra and Rex D. Helfinstine


Farm Business Management Data and Practices in South Dakota: 1959 Annual Reort, Charles H. Benrud

Pamphlets from 1960


An Economic Analysis of the Effects of Alternative Shearing Methods on Wool Quality in Eastern South Dakota, Gerald E. Marousek


Comparisons of the Profitability of Certified and Uncertified Alfalfa Seed Production in South Dakota, Arnold Lyle Aspelin


Farm Business Management Data and Practices: 1958 Annual Report, Charles H. Benrud and Arnold Aspelin


Interregional Competition in Alfalfa Seed Production in the United States, Charles H. Benrud


Least-Cost Sites for Cooperative Egg Marketing Federations for Eastern South Dakota, John S. Arnold

Pamphlets from 1959


A Search for Rules for International Wheat Surplus Disposal, James L. Leibfried


Economic Opportunities Available to Farmers on 160-Acre Farms in Southeastern South Dakota, Leonard R. Benning


Farm Business Management Data and Practices in South Dakota: 1957 Annual Report, Charles H. Benrud and Arnold Aspelin


Grain Merchandising at the Country Elevator, Arthur B. Sogn


Opportunities and Problems of Using United States Surplus Food to Increase Capital Formation in Underveloped Countries, Ali Ahmed Attiga


Projecting Brookings Growth from College Enrollment Estimates, Norma Ruth Koch


Seasonal Variations of Soil Moisture in South Dakota, Ray F. Pengra

Pamphlets from 1958


Acreage Reserve Participation in South Dakota Wheat Areas, Allan M. Severson


Agricultural Drought in South Dakota: How Many Droughty Days Per Season?, Ray F. Pengra


Climatic Variations in South Dakota 1900 - 1950, Robert M. Basile


Economic and Legal Aspects of Vertical Integration, Dale C. Dale


Farm Business Management Data and Practices in South Dakota: 1956 Annual Report, Charles H. Benrud and Roland Brunsma


Marketing Northern Alfalfa Seed: A Progress Report, Dale C. Dahl

Pamphlets from 1957


Assessment Values and Taxes on Farm Land in South Dakota 1955 and 1956, Ray F. Pengra


Economics at South Dakota State College: Instruction-Research-Extension, Department of Economics, South Dakota State College


Farm Price Programs, Kenneth L. Robinson


Frequencies of Daily Occurrence of Maximum and Minimum Temperatures at Huron, South Dakota Each Week of the Year by Five Degree Intervals Together with Highest and Lowest Temperature Recorded and Standard Deviation of Temperatures Each Week of the Year, Ray F. Pengra


Frequencies of Daily Occurrence of Maximum and Minimum Temperatures at Pierre, South Dakota Each Week of the Year by Five Degree Intervals Together with Highest and Lowest Temperature Recorded and Standard Deviation of Temperatures Each Week of the Year, Ray F. Pengra


Frequencies of Daily Occurrence of Maximum and Minimum Temperatures at Rapid City, South Dakota, Each Week of the Year by Five Degree Intervals Together with Highest and Lowest Temperature Recorded and Standard Deviation of Temperatures Each Week of the Year, Ray F. Pengra


Frequencies of Daily Occurrence of Maximum and Minimum Temperatures at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Each Week of the Year by Five Degree Intervals Together with Highest and Lowest Temperature Recorded and Standard Deviation of Temperatures Each Week of the Year, Ray F. Pengra


Graphic Presentation of Weekly Mean Maximum and Mean Minimum Temperatures for 58 South Dakota Weather Stations for Each Week of the Year, Ray F. Pengra


Land Market Trends in South Dakota 1941-1956, Supplement to Bulletin No. 413: Land Market Trends in South Dakota 1941-1950, Ray F. Pengra and Gabriel Lundy


Prices and Costs for Use in Farm and Ranch Planning, Russell L. Berry


Strengthening Farms and Ranches in South Dakota: A Preliminary Report Prepared for the South Dakota Legislative Research Council, Pierre, South Dakota, Russell L. Berry


Temperature Summary of Data for 60 South Dakota Weather Stations from the Start of Continuous Records for Each Station through 1954, Ray F. Pengra


Weather in the Making, Ray F. Pengra


Yearly Dates of Last Spring and First Fall Occurrence of Minimum Temperature of 24° F or Lower for 58 Weather Bureau Stations of South Dakota, Ray F. Pengra


Yearly Dates of Last Spring and First Fall Occurrence of Minimum Temperature of 28° F or Lower for 58 Weather Bureau Stations of South Dakota, Ray F. Pengra


Yearly Dates of Last Spring and First Fall Occurrence of Minimum Temperature of 32° F or Lower for 58 Weather Bureau Stations of South Dakota, Ray F. Pengra

Pamphlets from 1956


A Farm Building Evaluation Technique for Tax Assessment, Joshua F. Robinson


Average Weekly Temperatures, Precipitation and New Snow Received at 60 Weather Bureau Stations through 1954, Ray F. Pengra


Consumption and Preference for Butter and Margarine in Two South Dakota Cities, Norman L. Rollag


Farm Credit: Uses and Sources for South Dakota Farmers, Canute M. Johnson


Farm Equipment Retailing in South Dakota, C. John Fliginger


Land Market Trends in South Dakota 1941-1955, Supplement to Bulletin No. 413: Land Market Trends in South Dakota 1941-1950, Ray P. Pengra and Gabriel Lundy


Marketing Cream in Plastic Bags, James L. Olson


Most Profitable Use of Fertilizer on Corn, Oats, and Wheat in South Dakota, Russell L. Berry


Weekly Summary of Climatological Data, Faulkton, South Dakota, 1900-1953, Ray F. Pengra