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ABET, assessment, portfolios


Background: This work-in-progress paper describes an effort to modify a pre-existing course portfolio initiative in a large mechanical engineering undergraduate program to be used for multiple forms of program assessment while maintaining its value as a student learning tool.
Purpose: This paper aims to outline the process that an ad-hoc department committee used to define what it wanted to assess in a required four-course second and third-year problem-based learning sequence by reviewing various rubric options.
Design: Deciding what to assess and what language to use in a rubric involved a series of facilitated discussions.
Results: Following a mock assessment exercise, the resulting rubric and assessment worksheet will be tested in a fullscale assessment in spring 2021. Conclusions: The discussions led course coordinators to better articulate learning objectives for the course sequence and a continuous improvement plan.






© American Society for Engineering Education, 2020. Posted with permission.


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