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More than 14,000,000 acres of land in South Dakota are in crops. Each year two-thirds of this acreage is planted to forage crops and small grains. The selecting and growing of adapted varieties can do much to meet the present increased demand for food and feed as a result of the war needs. By the use of adapted and superior varieties growers obtain greater yields and also avoid many risks from disease, dry weather and frost. One of the most effective methods of obtaining maximum yields and reaching our 1944 production goals is through greater use of desirable varieties. This pamphlet, therefore, has been prepared to help farmers pick out the best variety to grow on their farm. In this pamphlet are summarized the yield results that were obtained from comparable test plots located on experimental and private farms in South Dakota. Although 1943 data for each variety are given, the average of several years results is more dependable and should be used in choosing the best variety. Recommendations are based not only on yield but also earliness, disease resistance, quality and other characters.

Number of Pages





Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State College
