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livestock production, cattle pricing, livestock markets, slaughter cattle


A weekly comparative marketing study of above-average and below-average quality slaughter cattle was conducted over a 154 week time period (Jan 1997 to Dec 1999). Two data sets containing carcass information on 1500 head of fed cattle were randomly selected from a data set containing carcass information on 2590 steers. Weekly average price per cwt. was calculated for both pens using two different pricing systems: a) the dressed weight pricing system; and b) the Agricultural Marketing Service grid pricing system. The empirical evidence indicates that over the 154 week period: a) the above-average quality carcass data set received a higher average price per cwt. under the grid pricing system; b) the below-average quality carcass data set received a higher average price per cwt. under the hot carcass weight pricing system; and c) the weekly average grid price per cwt. decreased relative to the weekly average hot carcass weight price per cwt. for the below-average quality carcass data set during this time period.


Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

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