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sunflower, marketing strategies, prices, production

Extension Number

ExEx 5023




Price history suggests that any remaining old crop sunseed should be sold now. The sunflower (oil type) price in early April was a high as any price since 1986 (Fig 1). The average price of sunseed at Enderlin, N.D., from harvest in 1985 to March 1994 was 9.53 ¢/lb. Old crop price bids of 14 to 15 ¢/lb offered during early April not only exceed the long-term average price but also exceeded the 5-year average of 10.37 ¢/lb. A premium also was paid for high oil content. The new crop price level suggest that a set-up marketing plan for new crop should be considered. The new crop Enderlin sunseed bid exceeded the 5-year average most of the winter and was near 11 ¢/lb in early April. Farm level or local prices should have been around 10.5 ¢/lb. Forward pricing 30 to 40% of expected 1994 production by June 1, and more later if a weather rally occurs, may be a suitable plan for many producers. The national loan rate provides a floor price of 8.72 ¢/lb in case of lower prices later in the year. Remember, sunflowers produced in 0/92 acres as well as other acres on the same ASCS farm unit do not qualify for loan if the deficiency payment on the base crop is accepted.