Irdaceae : Iris missouriensis
Family Name
Common Name
Western blue flag
Iris missouriensis is a rhizomatous perennial herb with erect, leafless. flower stalks (scapes) 25-60 cm tall. The basal leaves are linear, 25-45 cm long and usually less than 1 cm wide. The 1-2 flowers emerge from a spathe, 5-7.5 cm long. Each flower has 3 light to dark blue, spreading or reflexed sepals, 4-6 cm long, lined with purple and with a whitish blotch at the base, and three smaller, upright blue petals. There are 3 stamens opposite the sepals. The fruit is an oblong, 6 angled capsule, 5-8 cm long. Western blue flag blooms in June and July in wet meadows, along streambanks and open woodlands in western South Dakota.
Horticulture Notes
Seed Collection: Collect seed in late July to September when the pods turn brown, and the seeds are reddish brown in color.
Germination: The seeds need a 60-90-day cold stratification, or can be planted in the fall.
Vegetative Propagation: Division of rhizomes
Soils: Neutral to slightly acidic to alkaline soil
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Water: Prefer moisture, but once established will tolerate drier conditions.
Additional Notes
Western blue flag is an eye-catching addition to a moist native plant garden. The flowers are striking and attract hummingbirds.