
W.P. Cotton

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A statewide study of existing transportation facilities, needs and arrangements is an immediate outgrowth of the rubber situation, lack of motor and rotor parts replacement and an imminent shortage of man power, although the study promises to produce results of a permanent character. The general plan and outline of the study as undertaken in South Dakota had its inception in the Corn Belt Livestock Marketing Research Committee as a result of 14 states in this area and the Bureau of Agricultural Economics cooperating in a livestock marketing study in 1941. The work in the state has been made possible by the wholehearted support and cooperation of the state and county agricultural extension workers and War Board Chairmen. The study is divided into the following phases: (l) Survey of transportation arrangements at livestock markets; (2) Survey of creamery, produce, and oil routes in 8 selected counties; (3) Survey of farmer transportation uses and needs in 26 counties; (4) A study of total in and out shipments and transportation arrangements in 34 selected counties. A report will be made of each phase of the study as it. is completed. The present report deals with transportation to livestock markets. The material presented in this report is based on a survey of some 400 trucks and conveyances unloading livestock at 16 markets in South Dakota during July, 1942. Each market was visited from 1 to 3 days, and every truck that the enumerator had time for was contacted during that period. The markets included the Sioux Falls Terminal Public Market, four of the larger packing plants in the state, and 11 livestock auction agencies scattered throughout the state. The distribution of these markets is shown on the map below. At the auction agencies a count was made of all types of conveyances unloading, irrespective of whether a questionnaire was obtained from each.

Number of Pages





South Dakota State College


Agricultural Economics
