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farm structure, real estate, agricultural econmics


Agriculture in South Dakota has changed greatly in the second half of the 20th century and many more changes will occur in the next 20 to 50 years of the 21st century. ''The technology, organization, and structure of agriculture are dynamic, and future changes may dwarf past ones. The evolution of agriculture will have important impacts on farmers and society at large." (Hallam, 1993, pg. 1 ). The purposes of this report are: (1) to examine and explain key changes in the organization and structure of South Dakota's farm sector, (2) to provide a contemporary profile of farm business and household characteristics, and (3) to suggest where structural changes may lead in the future. This report includes the following major topics: • major forces of change affecting farm structure • changes in farm numbers and physical farm size • sales volume and concentration trends • land tenure and ownership trends • farm household income and employment trends • farm enterprise specialization and diversity, and • a profile of South Dakota farms by economic class Most of the data examined in this report are from various U.S. Census of Agriculture reports for South Dakota. Substantial portions of this report update and reinterpret information presented in an earlier report on Structural Trends in South Dakota Agriculture (Janssen and Edelman, 1983). The inspiration for preparing this report comes from the many questions asked by producers, agribusiness persons, students, community leaders, and concerned citizens about changes in South Dakota's #1 industry: AGRICULTURE.


Economics Research Report No. 00-1
