Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School



Behavior of insects in association with locating food, ovipositional sites, the opposite sex, as well as the discrimination of other insects, is accomplished through olfactory stimulations and other sense perceptions. Perception is an active organizing process involving conation, comparison, anticipation, and possibly purpose. If a piece of meat is placed in an accessable location, flies will, in a very short period of time, frequent it. If the same procedure is followed with sugar, more time is required before an equivalent number of flies is present. However, in both cases, extension of the mouth-part is observed; presumably for the purpose of feeding. Considering that no apparent restrictions upon the fly population are present, sense perceptions could stimulate behavior patterns to the piece of meat and sugar for such things as food value, ovipositional sites, or possibly the location of the opposite sex. The relative attractiveness of the meat and sugar as food could be ascertained with a known fly population; that is, of one species and an age group which would exclude sexually mature females.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Flies -- Behavior
Flies -- Food



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


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