Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
Award Date
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Department / School
Foods and Nutrition
Muscle fibers and connective tissue are known to affect tenderness. The partitioning of these two structures was first attempted by Lehman as early as 1897 (Wilson, et, al, 1954). Since that time chemical and histological work has been examined extensively to relate tissue components to tenderness. This study was undertaken to evaluate: (1) the effect of fixatives on (a) the reticular, collagenous, and elastic connective tissue of raw and cooked pork muscle and (b) the fiber diameter in the raw state; (2) the type and amount of connective tissue in pork muscle and the effect of heat on the various components; (3) the influence of weight, breed, and sex of hogs on the various connective tissues in pork muscle. This study is a portion or a larger investigation involving several aspects of pork quantity and quality evaluation. (see more in text)
Library of Congress Subject Headings
South Dakota State University
Recommended Citation
Deethardt, Dorothy E., "A Histological Study of the Various Tissue Components of Raw and Cooked Longissimus Dorsi Muscle in Pork" (1966). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3195.