Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
Award Date
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Department / School
Counseling and Human Development
To understand more fully the reasons for this Follow-up Study of Guidance and Counseling Graduates from South Dakota State University from 1957 to 1966, one must start looking at the history and development of the Guidance and Counseling program. The first guidance course offered at South Dakota State University was in 1928. The course was Vocational Guidance, and it dealt with the need for vocational guidance, duties of vocational counselors, methods of collection, preparing, and using occupational information for counseling, and vocational guidance in the small high school. This course was taught at the undergraduate level. The first real emphasis placed on guidance and counseling at South Dakota State University was in the summer of 1945. A three-day workshop was set up for guidance workers and teachers. Topics discussed at the three day workshop were: (1) The Role of School Personnel in a Guidance Program (2) Job Analysis of Counselor a. kind of person he should be and b. his relationship to other teachers (3) Individual Schools and Their Guidance Service Programs. Committees were set up to investigate a. Occupational information b. Counseling c. Test and Testing Procedures d. Organization and Administration of Guidance Services e. Individual Inventory and Veteran’s Problems. Early workshops did not offer college credit. Eventually the workshop was expanded to three full weeks and three credits were given. The workshop each summer was administered by Student Personnel until 1954. The person in charge of the summer workshop devoted half time to Summer Personnel and one-half time to the Education Department. In addition to his counseling duties this instructor taught psychology and guidance which was part of the curriculum offered by the Education Department. The Education Department took charge of the administration of the workshop in 1954. In 1957 the first solid program in Guidance and Counseling was introduced. Dr. E. L. Whitmore, advisor to this study, came to South Dakota State University that year and the Guidance and Counseling Program was put under his direction. Before this time there were few graduate courses offered in Guidance and Counseling. The reason for increased emphasis in this work area was: (1) a need for teachers trained in this area and (2) an increase in certification requirements. In 1957 the Master of Education Degree was offered with a major in English. The graduate student had a choice of two curriculums – Administration or Guidance and Counseling or a combination of the two. In the same year the summer workshop was shortened from three to two weeks. Two college credits were given for the workshop. In 1966 another full-time professor was added to the Guidance and Counseling Department. Before this time professors were shared with the Psychology Department. In 1966 the Guidance and Counseling major and the Administration Major were offered. Graduate students then had a choice of a Master of Education degree or a Master of Science Degree. The Guidance and Counseling Department is in the process of continual growth.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
South Dakota State University -- Alumni
South Dakota State University
Recommended Citation
Nelson, Terry Grant, "A Follow-up Study of Guidance and Counseling Graduates from South Dakota State University 1957-1966" (1967). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3323.