Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Counseling and Human Development


The research is focused on how to make residence hall living a more valid and relevant learning experience for the students. The physical arrangement of living areas in most traditional American residence halls is constructed with separate general living areas, i.e. wings. Since the residents of the wing are usually physically separated from the other wings, the individual wing becomes a relatively independent environment having living/interacting peculiarities all its own. The author of this research assumed that the individual wing is the most immediate dormitory influence on a resident. By concentrating a directed growth producing experience at the wing level, effective enhancement of the residence hall life would occur. This assumption indicated the implication that most negative resident hall experiences of a resident occur at a wing level. The object of this research was to provide positive interactions at the wing level, thus heightening the individual's self-concept and the wing community's functioning. The hypothesis was that by utilizing a basic encounter group relationship, these positive attributes of a wing can be accentuated. It was the contention of this author that by providing the residents of a wing with a positive learning experience as a result of basic group procedures, these positive wing components will be brought out and serve as information necessary for continued healthy interactions.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

student housing
Residence counselors



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
