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Sue Grant

Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Department / School


First Advisor

Ruth Alexander


Travel literature has had a long and varied history. In his book Travel Literature and the Evolution of the Novel, Percy C. Adams pointed out that "travel literature has existed since the beginnings of oral and written literature" (38). "Exodus" in the Old Testament of the Bible is a travel account. Homer's Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid both qualify. Herodotus claimed to be writing a history, but he included what he actually saw while traveling, which is a travel account. Polemo of Ilium produced travel guide books [sic] as far back as 200 AD. In the thirteenth century Marco Polo traveled to the Orient and produced his own account of this trip. In the fourteenth century, Chaucer used a travel format in Canterbury Tales. Cervantes followed in the fifteenth Century with his form of travel narrative in Don Quixote. By the seventeenth century travel literature had achieved a certain importance. It was, as Robert Crowley pointed out, the favorite reading material of Milton. Milton acquired "the abundant and colorful details he used in his poetry from reading travel accounts" (Crowley vii).

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Women travelers -- History -- 19th century
Women travelers -- China
Women travelers -- China -- Tibet Autonomous Region
Travel in literature



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University
