"Tsunami 2004, India and International Impacts, International Disaster " by Tania Arseculeratne, Austin Ritch et al.

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This article studies the international impacts of the 2004 tsunami event in India. Among the four main phases of emergency management, what are the local and international impacts of the 2004 tsunami event focusing on India? The study is divided into two main categories: Natural Aspect; and Cultural and Administrative Aspect. Within the Natural Aspect are the natural cascading events leading up to and following the event and the requirements/intensity levels for qualifying to compare with the actual data of the event. Within the Cultural and Administrative Aspect are the man-made international impacts such as economic, cultural, and political. India was of continued interest in the affected region due to its unique response to international aid attempts and cultural impacts. The methodology of data collection was primarily based upon case studies but also broken down into a pre- and post-event administrative restructure of the national Emergency Operations Plan. The conclusion will discuss the classification of the event as a whole in the eye of emergency, disaster, catastrophe, or complex humanitarian crisis.



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