Human Rights in the Americas
Editors: María Herrera-Sobek, Francisco A. Lomelí, Luz Angélica Kirschner.
Luz Angélica Kirschner, María Herrera-Sobek, and Francisco A. Lomelí are contributing co-authors “Introduction to Human Rights in the Americas.” p.1-28.
Luz Angélica Kirschner is also a contributing author, "Capá Prieto and the Decolonial Afro-Latin(o/a) American Imagination" p. 223-242.
Document Type
Book Contribution
Luz Angélica Kirschner is co-editor, co-author, and contributing author.
Book Description:
This interdisciplinary book explores human rights in the Americas from multiple perspectives and fields. Taking 1492 as a point of departure, the text explores Eurocentric historiographies of human rights and offer a more complete understanding of the genealogy of the human rights discourse and its many manifestations in the Americas.
The essays use a variety of approaches to reveal the larger contexts from which they emerge, providing a cross-sectional view of subjects, countries, methodologies and foci explicitly dedicated toward understanding historical factors and circumstances that have shaped human rights nationally and internationally within the Americas. The chapters explore diverse cultural, philosophical, political and literary expressions where human rights discourses circulate across the continent taking into consideration issues such as race, class, gender, genealogy and nationality. While acknowledging the ongoing centrality of the nation, the volume promotes a shift in the study of the Americas as a dynamic transnational space of conflict, domination, resistance, negotiation, complicity, accommodation, dialogue, and solidarity where individuals, nations, peoples, institutions, and intellectual and political movements share struggles, experiences, and imaginaries.
It will be of interest to all scholars and students of InterAmerican studies and those from all disciplines interested in Human Rights.
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Kirschner, Luz Angélica; Herrera-Sobek, Maria; and Lomelí, Francisco A., "Human Rights in the Americas" (2021). School of American and Global Studies Faculty Books with a Focus on Modern Languages and Global Studies. 15.