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A statewide study of transportation facilities, needs and uses was begun in South Dakota, July 1, 1941, The study was initiated primarily because of the shortage of rubber and the threat of a nation-wide transportation shortage. Although the rubber situation seems to be easing somewhat, it is still very apparent that our transportation facilities must be conserved to the utmost in order to maintain our transportation system for the promotion of the war effort. Three phases of the transportation study which is being carried on in South Dakota, have previously been completed: namely, (1) the survey of creamery, produce, and oil routes in eight selected counties (2) survey of the transportation arrangements at livestock markets (3) a study of total in and out shipments and transportation arrangements in fourteen selected counties. A report has been made on the livestock marketing phase, and was issued as Agricultural Economics Pamphlet No. 4, and on the business firm phase issued as Agricultural Economics Pamphlet No. 5. The material presented in this report deals with the survey of farmer transportation facilities, needs and uses. The objectives as set up for this study are designed to show the following: (1) Extent of the transportation facilities owned by farmers (2) Condition of these facilities (3) Prospective transportation needs (4) Present arrangements for transportation (5) Regional differences in farmer transportation facilities and needs. The state was divided into four regions for the study in order to determine the extent to which the transportation needs and problems differed in different parts of the state. Data were received from eleven counties in the four regions. The counties and their respective locations are shown in Figure 1, Securing the data for this study has been made possible by the wholehearted cooperation of the county war board chairmen and the county extension agents who distributed the questionnaires among the farmers.
Number of Pages
South Dakota State College
Agricultural Economics
Recommended Citation
Cotton, W.P. and Anderson, Norris J., "Survey of Farmer Transportation Facilities, Needs and Uses" (1943). Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Economics Pamphlets (1941-1991). 45.