
C.R. Hoglund

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A new farm record project was started in 1943 by the Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with the Agricultural Extension Service. Previous to 1943 it had been customary for the Extension Service to summarize farm records sent in to the state office by farmers. The purpose of the new project was to obtain more detailed farm record information which would be useful in planning improvements in the organization and operation of farms in the various areas of the state. The analysis of the records and the preparation of the report was carried out by the Experiment Station under the direction of C. R. Hoglund. The organization and educational work in the field was handled by the Extension Service with George E. Anderson in charge. The following county agricultural agents actively cooperated in the project: N. E. Beers, Hand County, Leonard Ladd, Beadle County, Konrad Stummeier, Faulk County and 0. E. Prcctegaard, Edmunds County It is expected that two or three additional counties will be added to the project in 1944 in this area. Most of the farm record cooperators were visited one or two times during the spring and summer and again at the end of the year when the records were closed. Sixty-eight farm records were closed but only 50 are included in this report. The records not used were either not typical of the area or were not complete enough to use. The cooperators kept records which included cash receipts -and expenses, beginning and end of year inventories of feed and seed, machinery and equipment, buildings and land, and livestock; crop record; livestock record and a record of farm produce and fuel used by the household. Supplementary information was obtained on the family labor supply, feed fed to productive livestock and on crop and live stock practices used. Climatic conditions were unfavorable for both small grain and intertilled crops during 1943. Lack of early spring moisture in this area resulted in poor stands or extremely late plantings of small grain. Pre-harvest moisture was adequate in moat of the area for a normal growth of small grain. Inadequate moisture for corn and sorghums in July and August resulted in low yields. Total rainfall for the year averaged about one inch below normal in the area. Operator's labor earnings have been calculated on a full owner basis in order to more nearly compare all farms on an equal basis. However, each cooperator received an earnings statement on the basis of his actual tenure situation. The farm record data used in this report have been tabulated for high profit and low profit farms as well as for the group average. Summaries of farm inventories, crop acreage and yields, livestock numbers, farm produce and fuel furnished the household and farm earnings are given in the following tables for the high profit, low profit and the average of all farms. Farm organization and efficiency measures have also been prepared for these three groups of farms.

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South Dakota State College


Agricultural Economics
