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The importance of an adequate supply of fruit in the diet has been stressed in recent years. Nutrition and production specialists have long believed that both the production and consumption of fruit have be too low in South Dakota. Climatic and transportation problem in South Dakota, often make it difficult for some families, particularly in the western part of the state, to grow or purchase adequate supplies of fruit throughout the year. The lack of information on the quantities of fruit produced and consumed in South Dakota prompted the State Nutrition Committee to make a state wide study during 1944. The Agricultural Economics, Horticulture and Home Economics Departments of the Agricultural Experiment Station assumed the major responsibility of preparing, printing and distributing the survey schedules be agencies cooperating in the study. The Agricultural Extension Service, the State Department of Education and the Farm Security Administration assumed the responsibility of obtaining survey data. Complete survey date was obtained for about 1200 families. The tabulation of the statistical data end the preparation of this report were carried out by the Agricultural Economics Department.
Number of Pages
South Dakota State College
Agricultural Economics
Recommended Citation
Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State College, "A Survey of Fruit Production and Consumption in South Dakota, 1944" (1945). Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Economics Pamphlets (1941-1991). 56.