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The problems of farm managers are everlasting. They are constantly in the process of examining alternative methods of production and alter native combinations of resources in an attempt to attain a higher and more stable income. For this farm planning, a vast amount of physical data on the cost and returns of alternative plans is needed. It is important that the physical data be as accurate as possible, because the farm plan is no better than the information upon which it is based. Technological progress has been very rapid in agriculture and thus it is important to keep up with changes that are taking place. It is necessary that labor, power and machinery requirements are adjusted to the progressive development in agriculture. Power and machinery costs represent a large part of the total costs of producing small grains and intertilled crops therefore, the farm manager is very much interested in his machinery, his power needs and their most economical management and use.
Number of Pages
South Dakota State College
Agricultural Economics
Recommended Citation
Ulvilden, James, "Farm Labor, Power and Machinery Performance for Selected Operations Under Dryland and Irrigated Conditions in Central South Dakota" (1953). Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Economics Pamphlets (1941-1991). 83.