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Separate publication of the results of the yield trials with winter wheat, rye, and winter barley is justified by the increasing importance of these crops in South Dakota, and increasing farmer interest in them. In the past, this report was part of the annual small grain variety testing pamphlet put out from the Agronomy Department of the Agricultural Experiment Station at State College. This year a later pamphlet will report on spring sown crop varieties in performance trials in the state. The information in this pamphlet goes primarily to county agents and extension specialists, who furnish it directly to the farmers of the state. There is need for caution in the expansion of winter grain production in this state. The last two years have had remarkable crops, in as much as the winters were mild enough to permit excellent survival of varieties and types which have had a history of extreme winter killing in this state. Table 9, contrasting survival at Brookings in 1955-56 as compared to 1957-58, should illustrate this point. Winter barley, too, must be considered a high-hazard crop. It is well for the grower and the county agent to keep this in mind. In this pamphlet, the winter wheats have been grouped into classes based on their past performance and type. In general, northern types are less hardy than adapted rye varieties, central types are at the northern limit of their range and southern types and winter barleys involve high risk levels, and frequent replanting. Five year yield averages are furnished where available. The winter grain program at this station has expanded so rapidly that these are available only for limited numbers of varieties and stations and so the exercise of "horse sense" and good judgement will be valuable in interpreting short term results.

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Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State College
