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The assistance of farm cooperators, Agricultural Research Service, County Agents and Soil Conservation Service Representatives in the counties where the outlying experiments were performed, is gratefully acknowledged. The first four months of 1961 had below average precipitation for much of South Dakota. For the eastern and central sections, May was a month of heavy rainfall but drought continued in the northwest. In June the western third of the state had about 50% of normal rainfall and the drought conditions were intensified in that area. Several of the eastern counties had four inches of rain in June, July and August rainfall was spotted throughout the state with individual areas the size of a county or two receiving near normal rainfall and the rest of the area receiving less than normal. The temperatures in July were generally cooler than average. In August the temperature was generally above average except in the southeast where it was close to average. In 1962 the months of February and March will be remembered for the heavy snowfall and March for the damaging floods. The rivers began to recede b the second week in April and in May heavy rains covered much of the state. The abundant rainfall carried over into June. July was cooler than normal with above average precipitation. August was cool but had below average precipitation in some areas.

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Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State College
