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This report contains 30 crop and livestock research and demonstration summaries of projects conducted at Southeast Research Farm in 2004. This year’s cattle report describes a project that compares feeding dried distillers grains to other oilseed supplements for wintering cows on ground corn stalks. Our crop reports show results of the many weed control projects that were conducted here as well as variety trial results and breeder evaluations for oat, corn, soybean, and forages. Several soil fertility research projects focused on strip/zone till, amending soils with gypsum, nutrient management associated with livestock manure, fertilizer placement, and other topics. Insects, soybean cyst nematodes, and other pests continue to challenge crop production in our region and work in several of these areas is presented. One report features the results of our first attempt to raise field peas and then use them in grow/finish swine rations for integrated crop/livestock enterprises. Our tillage and crop rotation project continued and its indigenous soil nematode populations were characterized again this year. Several new cropping system experiments continued testing alternative crop rotation strategies and systematically evaluating Aerway® conservation tillage. Deep tillage trials designed to see if crop production benefits when nutrients are placed within the soil profile along with deep tillage and to monitor the effects of adding organic residues to increase the storage of carbon in the soil profile were continued. We continued testing a wide range of row spacings for soybean. Performance of almost all crops was generally above average to excellent this season. Some of our better corn yields reached more than 200 bu/ac and a few soybean plots yielded in the low to mid 70 bu/ac. Oat yields of 75 to 175 bu/ac were observed in our small grain nursery. Spring wheat and field pea yields averaged 55 to 65 bu/ac. Established alfalfa produced up to 9 ton/ac of forage on a dry matter basis. Grasshopper, bean leaf beetle, first-generation corn borer, soybean cyst nematode, and bean pod mottle virus pressures were relatively light to moderate. Second-generation corn borer and western bean cutworm activity was a little lighter than we’ve seen in recent years. Soybean aphid populations were relatively widespread again this year, but their numbers varied greatly in different fields. Some crop and livestock markets saw relatively high prices at times during the year.
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Agrlcultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University
Recommended Citation
Experiment Station, Agricultural, "Southeast South Dakota Experiment Farm Annual Progress Report, 2004" (2004). Agricultural Experiment Station and Research Farm Annual Reports. 42.
45th Annual Progress Report