"South Dakota Farm and Home Research" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Winter 1982


Director’s Comment [P] 2 “mail gives me a chance to tell you want we do with your tax dollar, will do with yields, may be with leafy spurge “
Rose and Nell [p] 3 “these two varieties are tough; they come through winterkill better than just about anything you plant now”
Winterkill Weapons: buried minicomputers [p] 4 “here it’s actually “springkill.” You need to make early replanting plans; we are digging up the facts you need”
Can alcohol pay? [p] 6 “How much corn ground to supply a plant? How many dairy farms or beef cattle? And would local people convert their engines? “
Face flies: a standoff [p] 9 “Live in a white farmhouse? See flies in the spring? There’s a connection between that and $14 million yearly cattle losses”
Horn flies: we’re winning [p] 11 “Looks like we lick the horn fly problem; now it’s a matter of how little chemical we can get by with “


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University



South Dakota Farm and Home Research

Included in

Agriculture Commons



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