"South Dakota Farm and Home Research: 100th Annual Report (Spring 1988)" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Spring 1988


This issue contains the 100th South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report. This report covers July 1, 1986 - June 30, 1987.

Director’s Comment: We have been our second century; the horizons expand ahead of us [p] 2
Another IPM: Inappropriate political medication’ means others could control farmers’ use of water [p] 3
Not on its deathbed: Just a sickbed, but ag economy will cycle again, because of history we haven’t read [p] 5
The business of research: It’s the production of knowledge, ‘which will push back the frontiers of ignorance [p] 7
The driving force: Energy ‘to spare’ comes from enthusiasm; you can trick yourself into having it.[p] 9
Critical issues: In forefront is need to reduce dependency on chemicals, to avert risk to environment [p] 11
The good earth: South Dakota’s conservation record is excellent, but challenges loom in future [p] 15
100th Annual Report [p] 15


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University



South Dakota Farm and Home Research: 100th Annual Report (Spring 1988)

Included in

Life Sciences Commons



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