Publication Date

Summer 1986


Director’s Comment: A south Dakota wheat line may be answer to Hessian fly in Morocco [p] 2
Woodies go ‘beep’: Wood ducks that talk to us have a clear message: oxbows are best nurseries around [p] 3
Lifestyle: clue to obesity?: Over half in survey said they were overweight; we cooperate in two-state search for causes [p] 6
Wheat: the checkoff: It’s an R7D’ program, an investment in our future, that’s been shown to pay off [p] 11
Wheat: the package: A new wheat means ‘maybe a profit,’ unproven until grower adds ‘other 50%’ of the package [p] 13
Alternative farming systems: When energy inputs outdistance crop returns it’s time to think of other ways of farming [p] 15


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University



South Dakota Farm and Home Research

Included in

Life Sciences Commons



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