"South Dakota Farm and Home Research" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Summer 1990


Comments from the lab Guest editorial is from the coordinator for Corn Utilization Council sponsored studies. He warns that the European Community is far ahead of us in ag research funding. [p] 2
Corn check-off Its money stays here in South Dakota for research and market development, says Corn Utilization Council administrator. Better corn prices will come when we keep the corn here, too. [p] 3
In' plastic bags: Cornstarch Three scientists from three different research areas work on biodegradable plastic film. One makes the film; another encourages his bacteria to eat it; the other measures their success. [p] 5
In oiI wells, papers, clothing, medicine: Pullulan This microbial gum could increase recovery from low-producing wells, make textiles water resistant, help texture of foods and beverages. It is already a blood plasma substitute. [p] 13
On winter roads: CMA Salt's not all that cheap if you add up the rust, road repair, and harm to the environment it causes. We'll all benefit if this corn derived product reaches the manufacturing stage. [p] 16
In feedlots: WDG A great feed if you live near an ethanol producing facility, but it spoils rapidly in summer and freezes solid in winter. SDSU researcher improves its "shelf life" by adding oat hulls. [p] 19
Not In cornfields: Foxtail No more automatically using herbicides beforehand for foxtail problems that may not even exist. Now there's proof that postemergence herbicides, used only if, when, and where needed, work as well or better. [p] 22


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University







South Dakota Farm and Home Research

Included in

Agriculture Commons



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