"South Dakota Farm and Home Research (Fall 1989)" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Fall 1989


This issue contains the 102nd South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report. This report covers July 1, 1988 - June 30, 1989.

Director's comments [p] 2
'Sheep' that bark Bandit and Beaver baffle coyotes; guardians are earning their keep [p] 3
High-rise honkers · 'Pre-fabs' that ease housing shortage are instant hits with ducks and geese [p] 6
Policy directions South Dakotans give opinions on upcoming 1990 Farm Bill [p] 10
'Homestead' New buckeye displays the beauty and 'sweetness' of its pioneer parent [p] 14
CITE at SDSU If idea would create new jobs, CITE finds the scientist to help with R&D [p] 17
CITE partners: lean beef- Meat fabrication may open more markets for Winner firm [p] 19
CITE partners: compost-Compost and energy bills can be lower the second time around
102nd Annual Report Agricultural Experiment Station: The Agricultural Experiment Station presents its roster of scientists for FY 1989, their research projects, and publications. [p] 22


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University







South Dakota Farm and Home Research (Fall 1989)

Included in

Agriculture Commons



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