Publication Date

Summer 1989


Director's comments [p] 2
Dakota Lakes Research Farm: New irrigation station comes on line for Missouri Slope [p] 3
The cob is back 'High fiber diets' come to the farmyard: pigs use fiber better than we thought [p] 5
Will it wash? Low pressure sprinklers increase runoff. Cure is to change tillage [p] 8
Worth spending the money Mixer wagon with scale pays off in gains, even in small feedlots [p] 11
A South Dakotan goes to China 'They know how to do the really big projects.' But China likely to come up water short soon [p] 13
No-till soybeans: Soybeans are spreading into drier areas. So it's time to take another look at no-till [p] 15
No-till soybeans: If you're new to both beans and no-till, take time to plan (up to 2 years ahead) [p] 18
No-till soybeans: Poor weed control is no longer a reason to reject no-till beans; new options work [p] 22
No-till soybeans: At seeding time, uniform depth of planting and an undisturbed soil surface are critical [p] 25
No-till soybeans: lnoculant will replace N fertilizer; handle as carefully as a can of worms [p] 28
No-till soybeans: Best advice to new growers: It's not all that hard. Study hard. Start slow [p] 30


Mary Brashier


Duane Hanson


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University







South Dakota Farm and Home Research

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Agriculture Commons



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