"South Dakota Farm and Home Research" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Fall 1995


Service labs are 'bridges' between researchers and South Dakotans: SDSU analytical laboratories further the development of knowledge and play a vital role in providing valuable information to South Dakotans. [p] 1
Analytical. Services examine a host of plant-animal-mineral material: Analytical Services conducts a wide variety of tests and also acts as a clearing house, directing callers to the proper lab or person on SDSU's campus. [p] 2
Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory supports expansion of animal agriculture: Hundreds of samples arrive at the ADRDL every day. ADRDL tests and research have led to improved animal disease control and have earned the Lab national recognition. [p] 4
Center's data essential to state's future: The Census Data Center analyzes, interprets, and disseminates South Dakota census information. Government agencies, businesses, and individuals all benefit from the results. [p] 6
Extension specialists identify the tough weeds, insects, diseases: They don't have official "testing labs," but when county Extension offices get samples they can't identify, the next stop for expert advice is an Extension specialist at SDSU. [p] 8
Foods and Nutrition Lab protects consumer health: SDSU's Foods and Nutrition Lab handles a variety of tasks, including analyzing South Dakota products for federal labeling and answering the food-related questions of South Dakota consumers. [p] 10
Samples come to SDSU service labs from all corners of South Dakota: Samples are collected in fields, in homes, off store shelves. Labs conduct tests to answer a wide variety of questions-and to improve the quality of life for all South Dakotans. [p] 12
Seed Testing Lab assures seed is pure and weed-free: High-quality seed and superior varieties are keys to profitable crops. The SDSU Seed Testing Laboratory aids farmers and seed companies in meeting these goals. [p] 14
SDSU Soil Testing Lab manager hopes Lab goes out of business: Someday technology may make quick, on-site soil testing possible. Until then the SDSU Soil and Plant Analysis Lab will continue to provide services to farmers and researchers. [p] 16
State Dairy Lab fights the clock to assure safe milk supply: Milk processors and dairy farmers both rely on the State Dairy Lab at SDSU. The Lab plays a critical role in assuring consumers that South Dakota milk is safe and wholesome. [p] 18
Lab determines if water is safe for humans, livestock, plants: The SDSU Water Pesticide and Water Quality Lab routinely tests samples to an accuracy level of one part per billion . Tests protect equipment, soils, livestock, and human health. [p] 20
SDSU students learn through laboratory experiences: Classrooms aren't the only centers of learning at SDSU. Students working in service laboratories gain valuable experiences while learning in a unique setting. [p] 22
SDSU Service Laboratory Guide [p] 24


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University







South Dakota Farm and Home Research

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Agriculture Commons



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