"South Dakota Farm and Home Research (Fall 1994)" by South Dakota State University

Publication Date



This issue contains the 107th South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report. This report covers July 1, 1993 - June 30, 1994.

The better part of communication is listening: Ag Experiment Station Director Fred Cholick plans to communicate by doing a lot of listening. What he hears will help him develop a better understanding of the needs of farmers and ranchers, scientists, and other South Dakotans. [p] 1
New director encourages integrated approach to ag research: All the resources necessary for the production of food and fiber-humans, soil, air, plants, animals-come under the umbrella of agriculture. All these resources will affect the course of SDSU ag research. [p] 2
New approach unlocks secrets of soybean plant: Take scientists from a variety of disciplines-each tackling soybean problems from a different direction---put them together, establish strong ties and easy communication, and you deliver greater productivity and larger profits for producers. [p] 5
Grape genes give clues to winter survival: SDSU plant physiologist Anne Fennell chose grapes for her winter hardiness research because they are easy to grow and reach fruiting stage in just 2 or 3 years. The study results will be applicable to all woody, fruit-bearing plants. [p] 10
A day in the life of a research station: A research station is part farm and part outdoor laboratory. Most people see their area station only during its field day tours. But stations are buzzing with activity the rest of the year too. [p] 12
107th Annual Report: The 107th Annual Report presents the people and projects that make up the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. [p] 14


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University







South Dakota Farm and Home Research (Fall 1994)

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Agriculture Commons



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