Publication Date
Spring 1996
Director's comments: Spirit and dedication to South Dakota [p] 1
Ag Communications: Bridge between research and South Dakotans [p] 2
Agricultural Engineering: Impact on present and future agriculture [p] 3
Animal and Range Sciences: A reputation for excellence; a commitment to South Dakotans [p] 4
Biology/Microbiology: Partnerships speed progress of fundamental research [p] 5
Chemistry/Biochemistry: Increasing agricultural productivity while preserving the environment [p] 6
Dairy Science: Benefits for students, producers, consumers, cows themselves [p] 7
Economics: projects contribute to increased profitability [p] 8
College of Home Economics: Research adds value, improves diets, protects human health [p] 9
Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape and Parks: Managing natural resources and beautifying homes and communities [p] 10
Plant Science: From fields to high-tech labs, Plant Science research has national impact [p] 11
Rural Sociology: Taking the pulse of South Dakota's farms and communities [p] 12
Veterinary Science: Benefits of animal health improvements stretch from producer to consumer [p] 13
Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences: Needs of citizens, producers, and wildlife are combined in research [p] 14
108th Annual Report: The 108th annual report of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. The report includes lists of staff, projects, and publications. [p] 15
Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University
Recommended Citation
South Dakota State University, "South Dakota Farm and Home Research" (1996). South Dakota Farm and Home Research: 1949 -1998. 176.