"South Dakota Farm and Home Research (Fall 1973)" by Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Fall 1973


This issue includes the 86th Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report.

Expand production “belt” of corn to the north and west [p] 4
Expand the winter belt north [p] 6
Increase production efficiency of the beef cow [p] 7
Increase per acre yield of pasture and range land [p] 9
Learn to use irrigation water efficiently and effectively [p] 10
Learn how to raise the level of managerial skill on farms and ranches [p] 11 Provide data and information about government and institutions in a useable form for decision-making [p] 14
Learn how to maintain a healthful and pleasant environment for South Dakotans [p] 15
Provide information for improving the management talent and skill of homemakers [p] 17
Provide knowledge base for developing the recreational potential of South Dakota [p] 18
Develop spring small grain varieties with higher yield capacities [p] 19
Develop new and/or more marketable products from agricultural produce [p] 20
Develop low-cost, effective controls of crop diseases and pests [p] 21
Adapt grain sorghum to the South Dakota climate [p] 23
Reduce feed costs in livestock and poultry operations [p] 24
Establish more accurately the shelter of livestock and poultry needed [p] 26
Adapt the soybean more effectively to South Dakota [p] 26
Develop and modify agricultural machines for greatest labor efficiency [p] 27 Understand the farm commodity market structure and market influences [p] 28 Collect information on the human resource in South Dakota [p] 28
Miscellaneous [p] 29
Agricultural Advisory Groups [p] 31
Staff Members [p] 32
Full Time Equivalents [p] 33
Financial Report [p] 33
Recent Publications [p] 34
Special Services [p] 39
Research Time Table [p] back cover


Frank J. Shideler


Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University



South Dakota Farm and Home Research (Fall 1973)

Included in

Agriculture Commons



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