"Promotion and Dissemination of Scientific Research in Graduate Educati" by Zhong Hu

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Background - Conducting and disseminating scientific research is an ethical and increasingly regulatory obligation for scientists and graduate students. It is widely believed that top-ranking journals attract a wider audience than specialized publications, and scientists have long recognized the importance of targeting so-called high impact journals in getting their work noticed. However, gaining access to top-ranking journals is difficult and does not necessarily guarantee wider exposure. There is a huge competition exists for attention in the scientific literature. However, times have changed. With the advent of the internet era and digital media age, more opportunities have been created for the dissemination of scientific research results.

Design/Method - As higher education educators, it becomes an important responsibility to educate our graduate students to be well prepared to effectively conduct and disseminate scientific research for their future careers, especially for those who do not have or lack such experience or knowledge. In this paper, based on the graduate student learning outcomes designated by the graduate program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at South Dakota State University, the author has developed a new graduate course titled Frontiers of Materials to promote scientific research and to learn how to write and disseminate the scientific reports.

Results - In addition to broad introductory topics in cutting edge in advanced materials on structures, properties, fabrication, computer modeling methods, and experimental characterization methods, integrating scientific research and writing practice into the curriculum to promote understanding of the fundamentals of advanced materials and to enhance the ability to write high-quality scientific papers, including the key rules, steps, measures, activities for conducting scientific research that will help those wishing to increase the discoverability, readership, and impact of their scientific research. This case study demonstrates good practice in the promotion and dissemination of scientific research and writing in engineering graduate education.

Conclusions – Promoting scientific research and learning how to write scientific reports and disseminate scientific research is an important component for graduate education. The author’s effort is a successful practice for improving the current engineering graduate education.


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