"A Case Study: Electronic Teaching Methods From The Pandemic Era That S" by Douglas De Boer

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The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2022 caused a rapid shift away from face-to-face instruction and toward online instruction. Due to the emergency speed with which the changes were rolled out results varied, desirable data on the quality of the changes was often not kept, and the retrospective study of what happened and the outcomes thereof is ongoing at the time this case study was written.
This case study is a comparison of the author’s experience with the current literature. It is hypothesized that some of the techniques used during the pandemic were effective and should be retained and/or further improved, even when face-to-face instruction is included in the course. This may be true even if the overall outcome of online education during the pandemic has negative connotations.
A literature review was conducted. Then the author’s experiences are compared to the literature.
1.) Pedagogical methods that are compatible with blended or hybrid teaching styles should be preferred whenever practical to be prepared for possible future emergencies.
2.) Student appreciation for video recordings and other course materials is not always best measured by views. The flexibility in time management and the stress reduction such materials offers is also highly important.
3.) Electronic submission of all homework, reports, and other assignments is appreciated by students and faculty alike.
4.) Requiring students to purchase their own lab equipment and supplies, if it is practical, has advantages in giving students the opportunity to work on their own time and explore non-assigned experiences.
5.) The course discipline matters. Teaching pedagogies that apply in the arts and humanities might not be the best in engineering courses. This means that blended and hybrid techniques that work in one discipline might not work in another.


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