Document Type



Cindy Maisch



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Office of University Relations and the College of Engineering, South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Winter 1994

Number of Pages


Table of Contents

[Page 2-3] Solberg family hopes to continue legacy
[Page 3] Solberg Loan Fund helps needy students
[Page 4-5] Alumnus achieves unique success
[Page 5] Inventors Congress enters second year
[Page 6] Basilio Gonzalez helps Somalia rebuild
[Page 7] Empi CEO named 1993 Entrepreneur of the Year
[Page 7] Empi makes Forbes list
[Page 8] Jensen wins ASME award
[Page 9] Utility industry: a past, present and future of changes
[Page 10-11] Daktronics celebrates 25th anniversary
[Page 10-11] Daktronics wins Business of the Year, seven other awards
[Page 11] Wilkens to retire as CEO of Northwestern Public Service
[Page 11-14] Meet the Dean's Advisory Council
[Page 11] Wilkens to retire as CEO of Northwestern Public Service
[Page 12-14] Meet the Dean's Advisory Council

[Page 15] Energy grant benefits students, businesses
[Page 16] Instructor teaches entrepreneurship class at SDSU
[Page 16-17] Knabach named Engineer of the Year for Siouxland area
[Page 17] Center for Power Systems Studies celebrates 25 years
[Page 18] Faculty notes
[Page 19] Student notes
[Page 20] EED recruits manufacturers, employers, inventors
[Page 20] ASCE chapter recognized as 1993 Ridgeway finalist
[Page 21] SDSU student works to help ADVANCE
[Page 21] SDSU to host student ASME conference
[Page 22] Meet the Engineering Alumni of the Foundation Board
[Page 23] Jerry Lohr steers $50 million campaign
[Page 24] Guy Rhoades instrumental in GE donation
[Page 24] Grommersch Mechanical Engineering Scholarship Fund
Alumni notes inside back cover
Phonathon planned for February back cover
Benefactors and Donors:
[Page 25] Benefactors
[Page 26] Dean's Club
[Page 26-32] College of Engineering donors


© 1994 South Dakota State University


Graphic Design: Virginia Coudron
Photography: Virginia Coudron, Cindy Maisch, Cindy Price, Samantha Penney, Todd Hammond
Publications Editor: Dan Tupa


Included in

Engineering Commons



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