"Impulse" by Eric Ebsen, Dan Genzler et al.

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Dave Graves



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Office of University Relations and the College of Engineering, South Dakota State University

Publication Date

Spring 2009

Number of Pages


Table of Contents

[Page] 2 Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Building: Staff took occupancy of the 43,000-square-foot structure during spring break with the public invited to a May 1 dedication.
[Page] 4 Master’s in physics: As the state takes over an underground lab in the Black Hills, SDSU is launching a program to assist students wanting to work there.
[Page] 6 Adding up to success: Math majors find more paths on the track to success and that’s been a prime factor in the multiplication of math majors.
[Page] 8 What happened in New Orleans? Levee expert shares insight on how Katrina claimed much of New Orleans.
[Page] 9 College’s new look: If you find it hard to recognize campus now, wait until you see the construction slated for the next five years, construction needed for research and academics.
[Page] 10 Graduate programs push climbing enrollments: Undergraduate numbers are up 28 percent in the past decade but the recent boom has come in master’s and doctoral programs.
[Page] 12 Water Research Center: Partnerships help communities and industry with basic research needs while keeping them current on government regulations.
[Page] 14 Photovoltaics: Team of ten faculty members works with twenty grad students.
[Page] 16 Defense Department projects: Mechanical Engineering Department becomes prime contractor in work on fatigue odometer sensors.
[Page] 18 Engineering Resource Center: Focuses on outreach to aeronautics, occupational safety, roads, industry engineerial assistance and remote sensing. [Page] 19 Mountain-Plains Consortium: Membership fuels increase in federal funds for research by Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty, grad students. [Page] 20 Record research dollars: For fiscal year 2008, the College had nearly $50 million in research, almost four times the previous year.
[Page] 21 Ethanol production: An agricultural engineering graduate student is experimenting to determine the optimum size for feeding into extruders.
[Page] 22 Chad Stripling: Named graduate student of the year for concrete research.
[Page] 23 EE in HI: Ten electrical engineering students traveled with Michael Ropp to install a solar energy system at a park in Hawaii.
[Page] 24 ASCE: Projects taken on by a grad student has caught the eye of Farm Journal.
[Page] 25 Josie Wallin: Eight years ago she thought she would become a nurse. Now she is pursuing a master’s degree in financial
[Page] 26 Ryan Richardson: The junior construction management major breaks ground by becoming certified in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.
[Page] 28 Society of Automotive Engineers: Students switched from the mini-Baja to a Formula race car in 2008 and won the SAE grant for rookie teams.


© 2009 South Dakota State University


Contributing writers: April Myrick, Nicole Biever
Photography: Eric Landwehr, Nicole Biever, Dana Hess, Kyle Johnson
Graphic design: Virginia Coudron


Included in

Engineering Commons



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