"Chronic Pain Assessment and Documentation Protocol Implementation in H" by Lannese Purtell

Document Type

DNP - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Graduate Nursing

First Advisor

Dannica Callies


chronic pain, protocol, home health, pain management


Background/Purpose: Chronic pain management protocols are necessary in all aspects of health care to reduce negative perceptions and improve knowledge and comfort when caring for patients with chronic pain.
Methods: A pre-implementation Simplified Knowledge and Attitude Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP) and Comfort Survey were administered to rural Midwest home health nursing staff followed by implementation of a chronic pain management protocol. The protocol included an educational session on understanding and managing chronic pain, the use of the OPQRST handout to guide proper documentation, Pain Risk Factors Assessment Form, and a Managing Chronic Pain handout. The Simplified KASRP and Comfort Surveys were readministered 3.5 months after implementation for a total timeline of 5 months.
Results: The overall mean scores of pre and post implementation Simplified KASRP Surveys were 0.74 and 0.73, respectively with a p-value of 0.95. The overall mean scores of pre and post implementation Comfort Surveys were 0.83 and 0.84, respectively with a p-value of 0.42. Clinically, the project stakeholder reported improved documentation. Discussion: Despite the lack of significant change in pre and post-implementation surveys, improvements in documentation and improved ability to care for chronic pain patients were reported.
Implications for Practice: A chronic pain assessment and documentation protocol has the potential to increase the knowledge, attitudes, and comfort level of home health nurses caring for patients with chronic pain.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Chronic pain -- Treatment.
Home care services.

Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


Copyright © 2023 Lannese Purtell

Included in

Nursing Commons
