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Document Type

DNP - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Graduate Nursing

First Advisor

Robin Arends


palliative care, COPD, PCQN, PPSv2


Palliative care is a team based approach to providing care for patients with a life-limiting illness and their family. The palliative care team provides an opportunity for open communication between the patient and family, symptom management, emotional support, and treatment options on a continuum from aggressive curative treatment to declining all treatment. Many patients with life-limiting illnesses do not receive palliative care referrals which leads to a continuation of uncontrolled symptoms, excessive use of the emergency department, unnecessary hospitalization, and unwanted aggressive treatments at the end of life. One reason for the under use of palliative care is health care professionals lack of understanding of palliative care. Nurses in an admission center were provided education on palliative care and a palliative care needs assessment tool. The nurses were given a pre quiz before the education and post quiz four weeks after the education to determine if there was an increase in understanding of palliative care. When comparing the pre and post quiz, there was an increase in knowledge that was statistically significant.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Lungs -- Diseases, Obstructive --Palliative treatment
Chronic diseases -- Nursing
Palliative treatment -- Study and teaching
Nurse and patient


Includes bibliographical references (pages 44-49)



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
