"Assessment, Identification, and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea " by Rebecca Hruby

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Document Type

DNP - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Graduate Nursing

First Advisor

Jo A. Voss


Apnea, Hypopnea, Nursing, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Perioperatively, Portable Polysomnogram, STOP-BANG, Surgery


Background: The most common form of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) places patients at risk for higher rates of surgical complications. Perioperatively, the patient with OSA is at risk for a variety of respiratory, cardiac, and neurological complications.
Methods: Current literature was systematically evaluated and used to design a practice innovation project (PIP) that focused on identifying patients with OSA undergoing elective surgery and intervening to promote patient safety. The theoretical basis of the PIP follows the Stetler (2001) model of evidence-based care, rational-empirical change strategy, and Hall’s (1964) Care, Cure, Core Model. Screening was performed preoperatively on 1772 adult surgical patients. Patients were identified as low risk, high risk, or previously diagnosed with OSA. All high risk and previously diagnosed patients were given educational materials to improve their sleep hygiene. Inpatients without a prior diagnosis offered OSA diagnostics using portable polysomnography (PSG) postsurgically.
Results: Screening found 13% of patients previously diagnosed with OSA and identified another 10% as high risk. High risk status was positively correlated with increased sleep apnea diagnosis, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), and overnight oxygen requirements. Preoperative screening identifies patients who are at risk for post operative complications and will be continued.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Sleep apnea syndromes
Sleep disorders
Preoperative care


Includes bibliographical references (pages 60-65)



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
