"Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) First Line Therapy: Lifestyle Coach" by Lily Sanjaya

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Document Type

DNP - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Graduate Nursing


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting many women of reproductive age in the United States and it is the most frequent cause of anovulating infertility. Women with PCOS present with fertility problems, and are more at risk of developing chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance, sleep apnea, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as psychological problems like depression, anxiety, and body image issues. Lifestyle modifications and weight management are fundamental to fertility issues and PCOS management and recommended first line therapies in managing women with PCOS who desire pregnancy. Healthy lifestyle modifications and weight management through changes in the diet and exercise pattern are the key initial treatment strategy for PCOS and can improve reproductive, metabolic, and psychological problems associated with this disease. The aim of this project is to utilize telephone lifestyle coaching to provide counseling on healthful eating and active lifestyle. This project used the John Hopkins of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) model as its guide to gather the best available evidence and translate it into clinical practice and the Iowa model of EBP to disseminate findings and improve patient care and clinical outcomes within the host organization. A sample of nine women participated in the one group pretest/posttest study measuring self-efficacy, eating pattern, activity pattern, and health coach effectiveness, however, only two participants completed the program. BMI was calculated at baseline and after six weeks as a secondary outcomes. The interventions of this pilot project did not go as anticipated. There were very few participants initially and also a high attrition rate. This might be due to the short enrollment period and the lack of strong components to motivate these women to change their behavior, such as lack of perceived seriousness of the disease and perceived benefits of the lifestyle changes. However, results of this pilot study showed that there were increases in self-efficacy and activity pattern in those who participated. Eating patterns between the two participants that completed the program showed selection of healthier food choices, along with a reduction in BMI. Lifestyle coaching has the potential to help women implementing healthy lifestyle changes. However, health care providers are advised to assess patients’ readiness to these lifestyle changes.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Polycystic ovary syndrome
Personal coaching
Health promotion


Includes bibliographical references (pages 77-86)



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted
