
Coeditor: Dan Hansen Coeditor: Dave Graves


South Dakota State University



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Publication Date

Winter 2012

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Table of Contents

[Page] 2 A rural residency Liebe Drug is teaming with the College to create a rural residency program.
[Page] 4 A small-town summer Program putting P2 students in six communities this summer.
[Page] 6 Good things in small packages Rural pharmacies face serious challenges.
[Page] 8 Changing landscape Visiting dean foresees new roles for pharmacist, the industry.
[Page] 10 Jim Roeman After forty-seven years, the cornerstone of Rock Rapids, Iowa, plans to turn a corner.
[Page] 11 Brian Kaatz The 1974 grad and former dean is named Alumnus of the Year by the College.
[Page] 12 Alex VanOverschelde P2 student has life-changing summer experience in Germany.
[Page] 14 Academic dynasty Gamma Kappa has top grades of any Kappa Psi chapter in the nation.
[Page] 15 Preety Sahdev Graduate student of the year works transcutaneous vaccine delivery systems.
[Page] 16 Scholarships, student news
[Page] 18 Department of Pharmacy Practice James Clem reports.
[Page] 19 Department of Pharmaceutical Science Chandradhar Dwivedi reports. [Page] 20 Assessment and Curriculum Jane Mort reports.
[Page] 21 New faculty Brittney Meyer, Anita Ou, Jayarama Gunaje, Billie Jo Bartel, Tasha Rausch, Linda Kraft
[Page] 22 Laughrey Lecture Halls State-of-the-art Avera classrooms named for J. Bruce Laughrey.
[Page] 24 Dean’s Club
[Page] 25 Development director’s column Avera Center: ‘Our work is not done.’


Copyright © 2012 South Dakota State University


Writers and photographers: Dave Graves, Dana Hess, Kyle Johnson, Eric Landwehr, Mark Luebker
Publications Editor: Andrea Kieckhefer
Design: Virginia Coudron


Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

The College of Pharmacy



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