"Stormwater Management Model Analysis on the Effectiveness of Low Impac" by Anne M. Salazar

Document Type

Plan B - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Suzette Burckhard

Second Advisor

Christopher Schmit


Urbanization’s influence the features of a watershed’s subcatchments. The soil’s low permeability causes a decrease in infiltration and storage and an increase in runoff. The management of peak runoff and stormwater quality must follow SCMs. LID controls provide natural practices for handling stormwater management. This study used the LID controls of traditional drainage, vegetative swales, and bioretention cells to handle the runoff quantity and quality resulting from a 5-year storm event and a 100-year storm event. The SWMM modelled and analyzed the effectiveness of each model to remove the most of three pollutant loads: TSS, lead, and nitrate. When compared to each other and the initial conditions, the model of bioretention cells (Design C) proved most effective in maintaining the water quality and preventing a significant concentration of TSS and nitrate from leaving the study area of subcatchments. Even though there was an improvement, the LID control of Design C was not managing stormwater quantity and quality most proficiency. Therefore, further study into the parameters of bioretention cells would be required.



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


Copyright © 2020 Anne M. Salazar


Binding Number 610
