SDSU Data Science Symposium 2022 | SDSU Data Science Symposium

SDSU Data Science Symposium 2022

The 4th annual SDSU data science symposium was held on Feb 7-8, 2022 at the SDSU campus. The event included pre-conference workshops, a banquet, an executive panel discussion, a keynote address, oral presentations, and a student poster competition. In addition, the event included a career fair for math, stat, and data science students. This year’s event had more than 200 participants with 188 main day attendance and 106 banquet attendance. Of these, 74 were students with 29 undergraduate students. The event was sponsored by 9 businesses in the region which allowed for awarding travel grants to students. The event had 16 universities and 23 industries represented. The photo gallery from this years event can be found HERE

The career fair for students looking for internships and full-time positions had the following companies recruiting: First Bank and Trust, Capital Services, Meta Bank, Channel Partners Inc., Vervent, Great West Casualty Company, Query ai, Bluestem Brands Inc., and Premier Bankcard

Keynote speaker bios can be found HERE
Invited speaker bios can be found HERE
Workshop instructors can be found HERE

We thank this years scientific committee:
  • Dr.s Christopher Saunders, SDSU and Alicia Carriquiry Iowa State University - Forensic Statistics
  • Dr. Tobias Meissner, Avera - Cancer Genomics
  • Dr. Shuchismita Sarkar, Bowling Green State University - Unsupervised learning methods
  • Dr. Hossein Moradi, SDSU - Precision Ag
Organizing committee: Thank you to our sponsors Sponsors

Browse the contents of SDSU Data Science Symposium 2022:

Workshops and Sessions Schedule
Poster Session
Conference Materials