The Economics Commentator is a newsletter published by the Department of Economics. It is written for farmers and ranchers, agriculturally-related and small-town business managers, and public official and policymakers. The newsletter provides recent market information, research findings, and other information about economic conditions and changes in South Dakota.
Submissions from 1987
Farm Reorganization Bankruptcies in South Dakota, Larry Janssen
Have Land Prices Hit Bottom?, Brian H. Schmiesing
Interest Rate Risk Management at South Dakota Banks, Pius Reis
Is Alternative Agriculture for You?, Burton W. Pflueger and Julie Hedin
South Dakota Agricultural Producers Reduce Debt, Brain H. Schmiesing
South Dakota Farmland Price Trends and Outlook, Larry Janssen
The Role of Railroad Contracts in Shipping South Dakota Grain, Charles E. Lamberton
Using the Toledo Corn Basis to Improve Corn Marketing Decisions, Brian H. Schmiesing
What is in Store for our Economy?, Harry Greenbaum
Submissions from 1986
Alcohol Fuel: Looking Back and Looking Ahead, Thomas L. Dobbs
Cash Settlement for Feeder Cattle, Gene E. Murra
Chernobyl: An Opportunity to Exploit Futures Market Speculators, Brian H. Schmiesing
Continued Declines in South Dakota Farmland Prices, Larry Janssen
Crop Share Rental Terms in South Dakota, Lary Janssen and Scott Peterson
Examining Options For Farm Machinery Acquisition, Thomas L. Dobbs
Farmland Cash Rental Terms in South Dakota, Lary Janssen and Scott Peterson
Financial Conditions of and Availability of Credit to South Dakota Agricultural Producers, Brian H. Schmiesing and Cindy R. Swinson
Implications of New Technologies for U.S. Agriculture, Thomas L. Dobbs
Is South Dakota Agriculture Ready for the Food Security Act of 1985?, Brian H. Schmiesing
Livestock Producers Should Not Ignore The Food Security Act of 1985, Brian H. Schmiesing
Planning for Tomorrow - Today Program Description, Burton Pflueger
Risk Management and Marketing, Gene E. Murra
The Wheat Poll Do Wheat Producers Favor Mandatory Limits on Production?, Edward Smith, Mechel Paggi, James Richardson, and Ronald Knutson
Submissions from 1985
Debt Capital: A Larger Risk Than Everyone May Realize, Brian H. Schmiesing
Economcis of Reduced Tillage Systems, Herbert R. Allen
Economics of Drying Grain, Richard C. Shane
Economics of Grain Storage, Richard C. Shane
Economics of Home-Based Businesses, Thomas L. Dobbs
Farmland Rental Terms In Eastern and Central South Dakota, Larry Janssen and Larry Madsen
Farm Machinery Financing Terms, Todd Lone
Implications of the Farm Crisis for Rural Communities in South Dakota, Thomas L. Dobbs
Long Term and Recent Farmland Market Developments in South Dakota, Cindy Swinson
Reasons for and Implications of Declining Farmland Prices, Larry Janssen
South Dakota Farmland Market Trends-Another Year of Declining Prices, Larry Janssen
The Demand for Nursing Home Care in South Dakota, Charles E. Lamberton
The Economics of Reduced Pressure Irrigation, Donald C. Taylor
United States Agricultural Trade Prospects, Harry Greenbaum
Submissions from 1984
Agricultural and Economic Development in South Dakota, Thomas L. Dobbs
Agricultural Commodity Commodity Options: A New Marketing Alternative, Brian H. Schmiesing
Agricultural Credit: Turmoil and Possible Alternatives, Brian H. Schmiesing
Agriculture's Capacity to Feed a Hungry World, Thomas L. Dobbs
Farm Policy Decisions--What Do South Dakota Farmers Think?, Larry Janssen and Mark Edelman
Farm Policy Decisions--What Do South Dakota Farmers Think?, Larry Janssen and Mark Edelman
How Will Water Development Be Financed in South Dakota?, Thomas L. Dobbs
Opportunities for Farm Firm Growth, Donald C. Taylor
Recent Trends in South Dakota's Farmland Market, Larry Janssen
Speculation of Cash Grain Inventories: Is there an Alternative?, Brian H. Schmiesing
Trends in South Dakota Cash Rent, Wallace G. Aanderud
Understanding The Exchange Value of the Dollar, Mark A. Edelman
Submissions from 1983
Dairy Price Support Program Dilemma, Galen Kelsey