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resource management, CRM, training
CRM is young in South Dakota. Operating MOU's were signed in December 1988 to accommodate traditional and emerging issues on private as well as public lands. It wasn't until 1994 that fiscal resources were assembled to provide intensive CRM training. The training is three tiered: (1) inform high level administrators and organizational leaders about CRM and solicit their support, (2) present 13 CRM Community Training workshops in 2·day sessions to local community leaders, including landowners and resource personnel, and (3) train a cadre of CRM facilitators in two a day sessions, both private and public, broadly dispersed in the state, to manage local CRM efforts. Formal training of facilitators for CRM is a concept fostered in South Dakota that we believe has exceptional merit in any setting where CRM is used. During the last three months, three CRM issues have been started; two others are soon to be; and two more may develop. Numerous CRM informational presentations have been given by CRM advocates in diverse settings such as a legislative reception, resource management agency staff, a service group luncheon, and to a planning and development district staff as the momentum for self-reliance grows. There is little doubt that CRM is beginning to have a beneficial impact on natural resource issues in South Dakota.
Department of Economics, South Dakota State University
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Recommended Citation
Johnson, James and Beutler, Martin, "South Dakota Coordinated Resource Management" (1995). Economics Staff Paper Series. 122.