Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Publications | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | South Dakota State University

This collections houses faculty publications generated within the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.


Submissions from 2017


Online Learning Control for Harmonics Reduction Based on Current Controlled Voltage Source Power Inverters, Naresh Malla, Ujjwol Tamraker, Dipesh Shrestha, Zhen Ni, and Reinaldo Tonkoski


Solar Irradiance Forecasting in Remote Microgrids Using Markov Switching Model, Ayusha Shakya, Semar Michael, Christopher Saunders, Douglas Armstrong, Prakash Pandey, Santosh Chalise, and Reinaldo Tonkoski


Virtual Inertia: Current Trends and Future Directions, Ujjwol Tamraker, Dipesh Shrestha, Manisha Maharjan, Bishnu P. Bhattarai, Timothy M. Hansen, and Reinaldo Tonkoski

Submissions from 2016


Impact of Active Power Curtailment of Wind Turbines Connected to Residential Feeders for Overvoltage Prevention, Santosh Chalise, Atia R. Hameed, Binod Poudel, and Reinaldo Tonkoski


Energy Management of Remote Microgrids Considering Battery Lifetime, Santosh Chalise, Jason Sternhagen, Timothy M. Hansen, and Reindaldo Tonkoski

Submissions from 2014

Load Management for Grid-Connection of Household Photovoltaic Systems without Net-Metering, Sangita Sharma, Ujjwol Tamrakar, Reinaldo Tonkoski, and David W. Galipeau

Submissions from 2012


Impact of High PV Penetration on Voltage Profiles in Residential Neighborhoods, Reinaldo Tonkoski, Dave Turcotte, and Tarek H. M. El-Fouly

Submissions from 2011


Impact of active power Curtailment on Overvoltage Prevention and Energy Production of PV Inverters Connected to Low Voltage Residential Feeders, Reinaldo Tonkoski and Luiz A.C. Lopes

Overvoltage Prevention in Residential Feeders with High Penetration of Photovoltaics, Reinaldo Tonkoski and Luiz A.C. Lopes


Coordinated Active Power Curtailment of Grid Connected PV Inverters for Overvoltage Prevention, Reinaldo Tonkoski, Luiz A.C. Lopes, and Tarek H. M. El-Fouly