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Document Type

Thesis - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School


First Advisor

George White


Europe, nationalism, national identity, place, Romania, spatial extent, and territory


Southeastern Europe is a region where significant strife has arisen over nationalistic and territorial aspirations. Language and religion are key characteristics that are often used to identify a nation. It is, however, useful to go beyond these characteristics for a better understanding of what constitutes a national identity. Place serves as a tangible feature in the landscape that can be observed through a variety of mediums to examine a nation on different spatial and temporal scales. This study identifies and plots the places Romanian nationals identify with in order to gain a better understanding of the spatial extent of Romanian nationalism. The data for these places of importance to Romanian national identity comes from a variety of past and contemporary sources including, but not limited to: cities, maps, ecclesiastical centers, art, museums, battleground sites, architecture, literature, natural landscapes, and other important sites. In this study, the places Romanians identify with will be used to expand upon a traditional understanding of the spatial extent of Romanian nationalism in southeastern Europe.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

National characteristics, Romanian.
Group identity -- Romania.
Balkan Peninsula -- Geography.


Includes bibliographical references (pages 192-197).



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
