"The Lived Experience of a Radical, Unexpected or Unpredicted Healing o" by Audrey Poor-Bear

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Document Type

Dissertation - University Access Only

Award Date


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Department / School

Graduate Nursing

First Advisor

MaryLou Mylant


According to current literature, cases of radical or spontaneous healings occur occasionally and are underreported. Typically, instances of spontaneous healings are documented as a medical case report, with proof of diagnosis, and evidence that the disease is eradicated. A phenomenological study, rooted in the philosophy of hermeneutics was implemented to discover the lived experience of a radical, unpredicted, or unexpected healing from a life-altering illness. Seven participants were interviewed using open-ended questions to elicit the stories of the healing experience. Major patterns that were explicated from the data are: illness as quantum transformation, creating a healing path, and experiencing the extraordinary. Common themes explored among the stories were focused on listening to one’s inner voice, creating a healing path, reliance on support from family and others, and the occasional mystical encounter. Data analysis revealed a strong suggestion that on the healing path, participants had very distinct ideas about how recommended treatments may harm them or heal them. Often this caused a breakdown in communication and collaboration with health care professionals. This researcher introduces a new conceptual framework called Organic Health Resources (OHR), to describe how people with illnesses begin their quest for healing.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Critically ill--Psychology


Includes bibliographical references ( pages 124-140)



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University



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