"The Effect of Wrestling Training and Required Physical Education Upon " by Thomas Eugene Neuberger

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School

Physical Education


The improvement of athletics and physical education can only be brought about when the participating individuals strive to attain their optimum physical condition. There are numerous phases of physical condition. Some of the many functions of the human organism with which we are concerned when striving for optimum physical condition are: respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, and muscular. A student of physiology understands that all functions of the human body are equally vital to the maintenance of life and health. This statement is undoubtedly true. If we look at the field of physical education and athletics we see that certain functions of the body are more important to the attainment of the objectives than are others. For example, an artist would place more of a premium on a conditioned nervous system than a conditioned cardiovascular system capable of pumping great quantities of blood through the body. It would seem that the athlete and physical education student would need most of all an outstanding cardiovascular and muscular system to approach the goals set up for them. This thesis has, therefore, been set up to study methods of improving these functions of the human body through various types and degrees of training. This study describes some of the many activities and procedures that could be used to develop and improve the muscular and cardiovascular systems of an individual. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the degree and speed with which wrestler training will develop these areas. Throughout the report other sports and physical education activities enter the picture and help to recognize the cause of a specific physiological phenomenon. However, it must be kept in mind that the major conclusions will be drawn from the effects of wrestling. To study wrestling as a means of improving and developing strength and circulation is the major purpose of this thesis.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Physical fitness -- Testing


Includes bibliographical references



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
