"An Analytical Survey of Census, Enrollment and Financial Trends of the" by Ernest W. Lunn

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Award Date


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department / School



This is the report of the writer, who, in his third year as superintendent of the Harrisburg Independent Consolidated School District C-1, has conducted a study of the Harrisburg district, hereafter referred to as Harrisburg District C-1 and as District C-1, in the hope that such an appraisal would be helpful both to superintendents in other school districts to study their own educational and financial set-up. The purpose of this study is to collect and analyze facts which are pertinent to the educational planning and administration of Harrisburg District C-1 and which present a picture of the pupils served and the financial practices and conditions of the district for the school years 1940 to 1953 inclusive. This period of years was selected for analysis and comparison because it represented a period of adjustment following a time in which schools suffered disproportionally to other public expenditures during the economic depression. While the basis for this discrimination cannot be readily identified, the failure of the public to understand the needs and obligations of education plus a certain amount of official and administrative incompetence has made recovery painfully slow. In the past decade an active concern with the financial management of schools has been asserting itself. The rapid popularization of secondary education, rising expenditures for schools, increased school services, competition for public funds and the struggle to secure adequate local, state, and federal support through legislation sand reorganization has made this a vital period in the history of schools in South Dakota. This research study was approached with the aim of surveying the educational activit5y of District C-1 during this difficult period and of ascertaining and interpreting important facts thereof which serve to guide, direct and determine future practices.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Public schools -- South Dakota -- Harrisburg


Includes bibliographical references



Number of Pages



South Dakota State University


No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
